Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Saturday Dec. 16th 10am - 5pm Photos and Fun to Remember - and don't forget Shirley Ann's Gift Shop great place to find Heritage Gifts and Decorations

This year African-American News&Issues, Inc., Acres Home Chamber for Business and Economic Development, Inc. and various partners will host the
 2nd Annual Black Santa is Back! Event. 
 This event is being put in place to assist in connecting our communities and cultures. With rising demands, we have been pushed to answer to communities’ call. This year has taken a huge toll and impacted out city at its greatest. The previous disaster of Hurricane Harvey will cause some families to be without. Although we are unable to give back in its entirety, we want to be able to put smiles on the children’s faces. With that being said, there is no better time than to rebuild and fill the gap within the Acres Home and surrounding communities. 
The event is scheduled to take place:
 Saturday, December 16, 2017
10 am – 5 pm
Acres Home Chamber for Business and Economic Development
 But we need your help bringing Black Santa Back and make this event successful. We are asking for a pledge to assist with coverage of production, photography fees, memorabilia, and food/snacks for the children during the vent.     $2,500.00                         $1,000.00                         $500.00                          $300.00
With a pledge, you will receive sponsorship placement on all marketing materials, e-blast, social media presence and highlight in the event story as well as a ticket to the January luncheon and a recognition certificate as a donor that will be presented at luncheonThursday, January 4, 2018. 
For additional details please contact
 Chandra Jarmon
African-American News&Issues 
713.692.1892 office | 713.692.1183 fax
 Anthony Stewart
Administrative Assistant
Acres Home Chamber for Business & Economic Development, Inc.
Tel. ~ 713.692.7161 | Fax ~ 713.691.7131

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