Friday, August 12, 2022

NASA Minority Serving Institutions Competition

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA’s Johnson Space
Center On-Site Experience

NASA’s Ames Research
Center On-Site Experience

Teams forming now!

Fall Proposals: Aug 17-Oct 26; Spring Proposals: Jan 3-Mar 15

Have questions? Join us during our open office
hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
3-4 p.m. CDT on Microsoft Teams.
MITTIC is a Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP)
spinoff challenge established to develop new ideas for commercialization
by seeking proposals from multi-disciplinary student teams enrolled at a
Minority Serving Institution (MSI).


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NASA MITTIC Competition Overview

NASA MITTIC Eligibility Requirements

• All team members must be 18 or older and U.S. citizens.
• Each team must have three to ten members that are full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an
accredited U.S. institution of higher learning (junior college, community college, college, or university) at the time the
proposal is submitted.
• At least 60% of the team must be enrolled at a Minority Serving Institution (MSI).
• Each team is required to have a primary principal investigator (PI) who actively works for the proposing MSI. A principal
investigator could be a previous or current professor, a dean or department chair, or another faculty member and/or
• Teams may choose to combine with another MSI or a non-MSI. The “core team institution” is the MSI of which the
primary PI is employed, meaning when the monetary incentive is given, it is given to that PI and/or institution. The PIs
will decide on if they choose to split funds with other institutions on their team after the award is received (MITTIC will not
be part of this process).
• Institutions can submit multiple proposals; however, a PI cannot sponsor more than 3 teams. Teams must have different
student members and a different IP. An entire class of students can form multiple teams.

NASA MITTIC Website: FS 2021 07 01 AR

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