Sunday, September 22, 2024

Disturbing Voter Registration Potential Nightmare -- Happened to Efamily member Sam Denard

This is REAL - Sam is a friend of mine I've known for years, often sends content for our blog related to STEM scholarships as he's an MIT alumni engineer. He votes often but his VOTER REGISTRATION had a FLAG!!! - 

READ BELOW!! Please check your voter registration status early and often -- and don't forget your ID when you go to vote! 

From SAM in his own words...

Donna -- Some time ago, I received a letter from the Harris County Voter Registrar. The letter said, "Our office has received information indicating that your current residence is different from the residence on your registration record." The letter also included a form with which to correct the problem. However, my address has not changed in more than a decade; and it is correct on my Voter Registration Certificate. Furthermore, I have voted many times without any question being raised. I took the form to the Palm Center Harris County office. There, a clerk found my records to be in order except for being flagged; I believe the words he used were, "in suspense". The clerk said that being flagged in this way would not stop me from voting but might raise questions if the vote were audited. I gave the clerk the filled-out form, and the clerk corrected the problem right there on the spot. The clerk indicated that my record was flagged when I last had jury duty; but he could not discover why the record was flagged. I am concerned that I am not the only one who has a problem like this one. I only procrastinated; but I could just as easily have overlooked or forgotten about the problem until it was too late. In today's political climate, it is not hard to imagine such problems as little time-bombs just waiting to be ignited. It might be worthwhile for people to verify that their records are in order prior to the next election. 

--  Sam Denard

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