Sunday, September 8, 2024

‘Mission Accomplished’ – Tuskegee Airmen recognized for 1949 Top Gun victory - from Air Force Journal - thanks Senator Kelly!

‘Mission Accomplished’ – Tuskegee Airmen recognized for 1949 Top Gun victory ntsoopeSrd3me70Mtc117tb7:3fc7r9 14phatggiel667 7P2e9tmtg9S0 · Here is a little history for individuals who are fans of the movies Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick. The first Top Gun competition was held in 1949. The caucasian pilots competed with the latest state of art aircraft, while the African-American pilots were forced to compete with the much older, obsolete planes. After 3 days of competition, the Tuskegee Airmen team of : Captain Alva Temple, 1st Lieutenant Harry Stewart, 1st Lieutenant James Harvey, and 1st Lieutenant Halbert Alexander (alternate) were announced the winners. There was dead silence in the room. Not one of their colleagues applauded this accomplishment. The victory was swept under the rug, and the trophy was not seen by the public for 55 years. Introducing the real Top Guns
Shared on our NASA alumni group email!! Thank you!

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