Monday, November 9, 2020

How to Sign Up to Speak Virtually in Support of making Dr. Lathan Official Superintendent - Sign-up for HISD Board Meeting on Thursday Nov. 12th

 Sign up for Agenda ITEM B-1 or community speaking... 


  • The Board of Education welcomes members of the community to speak on subjects related to the school district. Community members can address the board in one of two ways:

    • Speakers to Agenda Items - During any board meeting, people may speak about items on the agenda for that meeting.
    • Hearing of the Community - During the regular monthly board meeting, people may speak about a district-related subject not covered by an item on the meeting agenda.

    Please be advised that in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Hattie Mae White (HMW) Educational Support Center is operating at a reduced capacity, and the Board Auditorium is closed. Meetings will be held by video and/or telephone conference.

    The procedures have changed.

    • Forms have been updated. Speakers should leave a telephone number when registering. District staff will call registered speakers and place them in a Zoom virtual waiting room until it is time for them to speak. Speakers may also submit written comments (up to a maximum of 300 words) to be read publicly by a member of the district’s administration in case there is a problem with Zoom. Speakers should verify their connectivity and be available to accept the call to speak from 4:55 p.m.–7:00 p.m. on the meeting day. Speakers must ensure their phone can receive calls from a long-distance number, as the Zoom call originates from the 646 area code. Once the call is answered, the speaker should  press “1” to enter the call. Speakers will each be called one time. Those who miss their call will have their comment read publicly for them during the meeting.
    • The rules regarding comments are the same as if the meeting were held in person.
      • TIME LIMIT: Per board policy BED(LOCAL), speakers to agenda items are limited to up to two minutes, regardless of the number of items for which they have registered. NOTE: Two minutes is approximately 300 words.
      • The Board President may reduce speakers' time limit to one minute if there is a large number of registered speakers.
      • Stay on topic and refrain from naming individuals, especially students, as their identity is protected under law.
      • No abusive statements or threats of confrontation are permitted.

    How to Register to Speak/Provide Comments

    People must register in advance to speak/provide comments at Board of Education meetings. Registration opens 72 hours before the meeting start time.

    People who wish to register by email may do so by completing this form and sending it to Please note that the deadlines listed above still apply. ALL handouts must be emailed no later than 9:30 a.m. the day of the meeting.

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