Sunday, August 11, 2024

Compton Cowboys Randy Savvy - Check out New Song by son of Efamily Member Louis Hook - Louis' nonprofit (and his son's) have made such a difference in kids of Compton's Lives

Enjoy! Add to the YOUTUBE likes and comments - love to support our young adults with talent! Share!

The New York Times and LA Times have written stories about the Cowboys of Compton. A book has been written about them called “The Compton Cowboys: The New Generation of Cowboys in America’s Urban Heartland,” published by Harper Collins.

or Click HERE:  -- Beyonce has told us the origins of country - I think you'll like it. 
Check out his organization
Randy has a MA in Music Industry Administration 

If you like it be sure to follow, like, subscribe, check out his other music!
I also checked out his Facebook and Instagram - other videos and songs - 
 - Country Rap with a message. I also like the featured song also on his Facebook "Colorblind"
Dr. Dre also is from Compton! 


The Cowboy Who Helped Burnish Compton’s Image

So proud of our next generation! 

Proud of his Dad as well, my grad school colleague, Louis Hook Occidental College scholar and football star, MIT masters in Econ and Harvard Bus School MBA who volunteered in the Compton community by starting a nonprofit Compton Junior Posse in 1988 to show at-risk children living in the area an alternative to the dangerous gang lifestyle, through horseback riding. 

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