• 7 hr ago
Severe COVID-19 Cases: What We Know. COVID-19 is a serious disease. Most recover, but it can change the life of anyone who gets it. Dr. Shuford, DSHS Infectious Disease Medical Officer, talks about the health impact of a severe or critical COVID-19 illness.
We all must work together for a #HealthyTexas to help save and protect lives from COVID-19. CDC info on this topic: https://www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ clinical-guidance-management- patients.html
️Together for a #HealthyTexas
Stay home when possible
Wear a face covering in public ↔️Stay 6 feet apart from others
Wash your hands often
If sick, get tested then stay home 🧼Clean your surroundings 🤧Cover coughs and sneezes
Don't touch your face Important and useful #COVID19 info and links:
People at high or increased risk: https://bit.ly/3dJouc4 Open Texas Checklists: https://bit.ly/2Nl13tD Testing near you: https://bit.ly/2Z3GJUd COVID-19 symptoms: http://bit.ly/2IV3uRh Caring for someone sick: https://bit.ly/2wf7sS7 All #COVID19TX info: https://bit.ly/31RNfPM https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=q81boZHWCWk
We all must work together for a #HealthyTexas to help save and protect lives from COVID-19. CDC info on this topic: https://www.cdc.gov/
People at high or increased risk: https://bit.ly/3dJouc4 Open Texas Checklists: https://bit.ly/2Nl13tD Testing near you: https://bit.ly/2Z3GJUd COVID-19 symptoms: http://bit.ly/2IV3uRh Caring for someone sick: https://bit.ly/2wf7sS7 All #COVID19TX info: https://bit.ly/31RNfPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q81boZHWCWk&authuser=0
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