Monday, October 18, 2021

URGENT: Youth Needed Tuesday 10/19 - Participants are entered in Laptop Drawing -CFCI Youth Action Workshop - Tuesday, 10/19 at 4:30pm

Register HERE FOR ZOOM LINK CFCI Youth Action Workshop - Tuesday, 10/19 at 4:30pm The Mayor's Office of Education has completed the Child Friendly Cities Initiative situational analysis, which evaluated the state of children's rights in the city. After hearing youth voices and evaluating the experiences facing youth in Houston, the following issue areas were emphasized: - Improving access to mental health resources - Youth's lack of trust in police officials and not feeling respected by adults around them. - Lack of accessibility to resources including healthy food, youth programs and play and leisure spaces/activities. During this workshop youth will rank which issue is most important to them and will help us understand how the city can better improve youth experiences around these areas. The information provided by youth will serve to develop the CFCI Local Action Plan. ****Youth who attend the workshop can enter to win a FREE Laptop****'' REGISTER HERE Questions: Charic Daniels Jellins 832-618-9946

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