Monday, March 30, 2020

Scholarship Graduating H.S. Seniors at U of H NSBE

To join NSBE

Pre-College Initiative Scholarship
Scholarship form must be filled out ACCURATELY and COMPLETELY to be considered for the UHNSBE scholarship. Please read the descriptions in entirety before submitting your application.

UHNSBE would like to recognize two outstanding High-School seniors. Applicants will be judged on a combination of leadership, academics and essays. The most well-rounded applicants will be awarded the scholarship. To win the scholarship you must be present at the banquet.

To apply, students must be:
- A high school senior
- From at least one of the following ethnicities: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and/or Hispanic American
- Additionally, a student must plan to enroll full-time, in a two year or four-year degree program, at a US accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university, and MUST SUBMIT proof of application.

Essay Responses
There are four essay topics below. You are to write essay responses for two of the four, which are to be kept between 300-450 words. Please attach your essay responses in the application link.

1. What are your goals for the next five years and what is your plan to succeed at these goals?
2. How have you impacted your community in STEM related programs?
3. How do you apply the NSBE mission statement to your everyday life? Give specific examples.
4. Explain the importance of your major in today’s society.

Scholarship Completion Check List
1. Proof of application to higher institution
2. Resume’ (Please include community service and leadership experience in resume’)
3. Essay Responses
4. Unofficial Transcript

To apply for the scholarship you have to be a paid NSBE member. Applications will be due
April 25th 11:59pm CST. For any questions contact Assad Soomro,

It is a scholarship that UH NSBE is starting this year for graduating highschool seniors. Attached is the link to the Form! Thank you so much.


Rabbiyah Baksh


Chemical Engineering

National Society of Black Engineers

President |

Keep up with UH NSBE |

Twitter: @UHNSBE | IG: @UH_NSBE | Facebook: UHNSBE | Snapchat: UHNSBE

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