Monday, February 20, 2023

HS Seniors: Possible Full Ride TSU + Meharry (Tennessee State) MD or DDS in 7 years instead of 8 - Seeking African American males

Amazing opportunity for black male HS seniors. Pass on if you know anyone: 3.5 GPA ACT 28 

Males needed Meharry Medical Program. 

There is a program between TSU and Meharry Medical College, where the student would go to TSU for three years and then on to Meharry and finish to become an MD or DDS in 7 years instead of the traditional 8 years. If you know any black males who are high school seniors and want to become a medical doctor, have a 28 on the ACT and a 3.5 GPA, there may be a possible free ride for them at Tennessee State University. 

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