Saturday, April 25, 2020

Fun Idea ZOOM Scavenger Hunt How-To - Family and Friends

I heard about this from an efamily member... thought I'd share the 2 emails that got this going for her boys and they had a great time! could be boys or girls kids or adults social distancing fun!

Hello friends,

Calling all scavenger hunters! YOUR NAME HERE we are hoping your son might want to join in on a virtual scavenger hunt tomorrow (Saturday YOUR DATE HERE) afternoon from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Here is the deal:

At 1:00 p.m. Saturday I will email or text the list to your son.
He will have two hours to take pictures of as many things on the list as possible. Nothing on the list will require you to leave your house/street, do anything embarrassing, or post any pictures anywhere. You may not have the item at your house, but that’s okay. I’m guessing everyone will have things they don’t have.
He or a family member will have to be in each picture so that I know it’s not an image they just found on the internet. For example, if the item is a dog, it has to be a real live dog. Not a picture of a dog or a book about a dog, and he has to be at least partially in the picture.
He will either email or text the pictures to me by 3:00 p.m. He can do it as he goes, or all at once at the end.
At 4:00 we will have a zoom call to announce the winner and share a few of the pictures. The winner will get a $25 Amazon gift card. If there is a tie, we will have a drawing for the winner out of the group of tied people

Saturday Scavenger Hunt

I will send you the Scavenger Hunt list at 2pm on Saturday. When you find each item on the list, take a photo of the item. You or a family member should be in the picture. No pictures without yourself in it and no pictures from the internet. You can text or email the photos to me. The deadline is 3:00 p.m. today. Have fun and let me know if you have any questions! The link for the Zoom call at 4:00 p.m. today is at the bottom.

Scavenger Hunt List:

A live animal that is not a pet

A tower made of at least 5 rolls of toilet paper

A picture of you shooting a basket (indoor or outdoor basketball hoop)

You wearing a mask

A flashlight

Your favorite book

Five different colored socks

A bicycle or anything with wheels (except for a car or truck)

Cowboy hat

Exotic insect (not one you see every day)

You wearing a team jersey that is not your uniform

You Playing Twister

A bobblehead

A cell phone that is not a smart phone

You vacuuming

You with a picture of one of your great grandparents

Tower of coins at least 40 high

You wearing a tie

Non-American coin

Exercise equipment

A pyramid made out of cups – at least 10 cups

A wristwatch with hands

One of your official school pictures (from any elementary, middle, high school or college you attended)

A two-story house of cards

You wearing your SJS uniform (it probably won’t fit the next time you go to put it on!)

A flower

A baby picture of yourself

Video of you doing some kind of trick (ex. Juggling, yo-yo, spinning a basketball on your finger, bouncing a golf ball on a wedge, etc.)

Video of you playing an instrument (can be a homemade instrument)


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