Monday, February 3, 2020

Your Routine is the Key to Achieving Your Goals
Dreaming about achieving “something” is the path to creating a Goal, creating a routine is the road to the execution of that goal. If you are committed and serious about creating and achieving your goal – build a routine for when you are going to work on it while you are dreaming (yes dreaming) it up.

Don’t wait, don’t put it off, don’t put it on your TO DO list – do it now – set the tone for your achievement now.

If you are worried about skipping out on your new routine – write it down, put a reminder in your phone – whatever works for you. The most important part in creating a routine are the triggers that drive us to take action – so these little cues are critical to your success

For instance, if you are consistently finished working at the end of the day at x time, set that event for the trigger for your routine. Instead of watching TV, spend 30 minutes on achieving your goal, set the timer, block everything out, make it happen.

Register TODAY for Goal Setting for Your Business! To learn more, see the information below.''

GPS is a lifesaver. It will point you in the right direction and get you to your destination. But what is it? How does it work? Do you even know what GPS stands for? If you are thinking Global Positioning System used for navigation, then good guess, but not what we are talking about. GPS for Success is "Goal, Plan, and Steps." Create a goal, make a plan, and take small steps to accomplish it.

Since the New Year has dawned on us, we can put the past behind us and set new goals or reset old ones. No matter if your goal is big or small, the presentation will provide a few helpful tips to ensure you set your GPS for Success.

Join us on Tuesday, February 11, at 6:30 p.m. for our presentation, Goal Setting for Your Business, featuring Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell, Senior Pastor of Windsor Village Church Family.

REGISTER TODAY! Space is limited.

Your CEO Team

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