Friday, April 9, 2021

If you get Vaccinated you won't kill anyone else! (Rachael Maddow) - GET THE VACCINE FOR OTHERS!!!

If you are scared of getting the shot, think about the prospect you may get the virus, spread it to someone else who then spreads it to a parent who dies?  How would you feel when it could have been avoided?

Vaccine Safety -- 114 million have had a vaccine shot - zero have died from getting the shot -- 560,000 died from COVID!!! 

Getting more people vaccinated helps to STOP THE SPREAD!!! 90% less chance to get COVID or spread it with the vaccine!! 

These are the words of Maddow tonight... who is previously had a severe allergic reaction to a shot and also has passed out at the sight of needles.. reasons for her vaccine reticence... Took the shot not for risk to herself of covid but for others...  the risk her inaction could harm others! 

Its understandable to be scared of the Vaccine.. think about the potential consequences to OTHERS if you don't get it! 

Also, I have a friend who has long haul COVID - not a pretty sight -- she had COVID in November - breathing issues and other issues continue into April!

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