Sunday, September 27, 2020

Deadline Sept. 30 Undergrads, Grads, Faculty for NASA Research for Mission to the Moon (Artemis)

 Please pass this opportunity below to your personal distributions and alma matter(s) to get the information out.



NASA is recruiting undergraduates, graduates and faculty members from universities across the nation to participate in the Artemis Student Challenges and NASA SUITS (Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students) Challenge. SUITS provides a hands-on opportunity for students to engage in NASA’s Artemis mission and design information displays within augmented reality (AR) environments to assist astronauts in lunar surface exploration. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to design spacesuit user interfaces that can be used when NASA sends astronauts back to the Moon! Create a team and participate in this authentic, unparalleled learning experience. The deadline to apply for SUITS is September 30, 2020.


Check out SUITS and learn more about the challenge at


SUITS Overview


  1. Students will work as a team to create and design spacesuit information displays within an augmented reality (AR) environment, utilizing an HMD device such as Microsoft HoloLens 2 of Magic Leap.


  1. Top teams will be selected to participate in a virtual test where they will ship their HMD devices to Johnson Space Center (JSC).

·       Design evaluators will test each team’s prototypes in a lunar-simulated environment at JSC

·       Communication between the design evaluators and students will be facilitated through live video streaming from the NASA SUITS team


Key Mission Objectives and Tasks for the Challenge:


  • Design and develop spacesuit user interfaces in AR that will assist astronauts in conducting EVAs, including lunar surface exploration, more effectively.


  • The displays should enable astronauts to interface with lunar payloads, execute science experiments, navigate terrain and communication smoothly with crew and Mission Control.


  • Implement a navigation solution that can assist astronauts in navigating between lunar landers and moon base, a pressurized rover and designated geology excavation site.


  • Informal, instructional video on you UI design operations for users


  • Complete a rover repair task such as interacting with rover displays


  • Conduct a science sampling at a designated site


  • Ensure a functional HMD to accommodate volatility in light and shadows on the south lunar pole


  • Effective communication mechanism between astronauts and Mission Control


Don’t miss this opportunity to work hands-on with real NASA missions and have a chance at interacting with NASA experts! The deadline to apply for SUITS is September 30, 2020.


Information Sessions – Learn more about SUITS!


Join the SUITS team for an online information session to learn more about the challenge.


Info Session #1: September 2, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. EDT

Info Session #2: September 16, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. EDT

Info Session #3: September 30, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. EDT


Learn more about SUITS at or email your questions to

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